Sustainability statements
• We focus on improving energy efficiency and replacing fossil energy with alternative green sources. • We run development projects for reducing the energy use in our factories related to board production and to painting processes.
Through our development projects we investigate how to re-engineer our products with focus on raw materials with lower CO2 footprint.
• We will continue our efforts to improve process efficiency and reduce waste.
• We partner with start-ups, universities, technological institutes and other industrial players to find ways to refine our waste and end of life products, to turn it into raw materials for Swisspearl or other manufacturers.
Supported by technological solutions, we will find ways to further optimize the reuse of water in our manufacturing process.
We will study how to re-engineer the processes in our factories that require clean water and utilising cleaning technologies.
• We conduct continuous safety improvement and promote safety, for example by organising annual safety weeks in factories
• We support healthy lives by having chemical safety procedures and practices in place as well as aiming to minimise the use of hazardous chemicals. All the cellulose our factories use is from sustainably managed forests
• We continue to improve the safety procedures and practices currently in place, focus on training and building mindset and behaviour as well as introducing further safety best practices
• We support decent work by committing to compliance with labour laws and advocating against forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking
• In addition, for the safety of installers and others handling our products, we provide instructions and guidelines with our packed products, which are also accessible on our websites
Swisspearl delivers products to outstanding sustainable and architectural buildings across Europe. To find out more about our sustainability ambitions, activities and results, read our detailed sustainability report.