Sustainability – Environmental & Social Responsibility - Swisspearl

Sustainability pillars

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Sustainability statements
Climate and environment
  • We aim for Scope 1 & 2 carbon neutrality by 2040
  • We aim for Scope 3 carbon neutrality by 2040
  • We aim to have zero landfill waste from factories by 2030
  •  We aim to minimise wastewater from factories by 2030
  • We aim not to use drinking water in production processes by 2030
Our efforts towards our goals in Climate and environment

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Sustainability statements
  • We explore ways to create value from fibre cement waste and end of life products
Our efforts in the area of Circularity

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Sustainability statements
Social Responsibility and engagement
  • We ensure the safety of all Swisspearl employees
  • We have an attractive workplace
  • We embrace diversity and actively remove barriers
  • We follow the laws, regulations and guidelines
  • We contribute voluntary work for communities
Our efforts in the are of Social Responsibility and engagement

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Sustainability statements
  • We will further embed Swisspearl values, codes, policies and safety rules into the organisation
  • We govern climate action through Science Based Targets
Our efforts in the area of governance

Green Line House, Warmia, Poland

Swisspearl Sustainability Report

Swisspearl delivers products to outstanding sustainable and architectural buildings across Europe. To find out more about our sustainability ambitions, activities and results, read our detailed sustainability report.