HomepageInspirationReferenzenLångsjö School Übersicht Magiskt mönster med berg som inspiration Långsjö School | Stockholm, SwedenFassadeSwisspearl Patina Inline NXT P 222Swisspearl Patina Inline NXT P 070Swisspearl Patina Inline NXT P 545Please note that this Reference project features Patina products. However, since the colour range for Patina NXT is the same, this reference also provides a general impression of the look and feel of a Patina NXT project.StandortStockholm, SwedenArchitektArkitema Architects AB, STOCKHOLM, SchwedenBauherrHuddinge Samhällsfastigheter, Huddinge, SchwedenPartnerByggmästarna i Nyköping AB, Nyköping, SchwedenFotografJohan Eldrot, UPPSALA, Schweden Zurück zur Übersicht