Swisspearl Sustainability Report 2023: Advancing Eco-Friendly Building - Swisspearl

The Swisspearl Sustainability Report 2023

The Swisspearl Sustainability Report 2023

Our role is to shape the future of building

Swisspearl is a leading fibre-cement manufacturer. Our operations are in Europe, and our supply chain is global. The expected lifetime of products is decades. However, in their applications our products serve multiple purposes and contribute to more sustainable buildings and a healthier environment.

Our Key Figures 2023

 Sustainability Figures 2023_EN

Sustainability statements

Our sustainability strategy is built on four overall pillars. These four pillars represent Swisspearl’s efforts in terms of creating a positive climate, ecological and social impact. Under each of these pillars we have defined clear sustainability statements:

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Climate and environment
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Our main focus in our own operations and purchased electricity is on improving energy efficiency and replacing fossil energy with alternative green sources.
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The concept of the circular economy is a strong facet of sustainable development. We aim to contribute to the evolution of the circular economy model for the fibre-cement industry.
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Social Responsibility
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Within this pillar we work on social topics further enhancing the Swisspearl employee experience.
Within this pillar we focus on further strengthening the common Swisspearl
way to manage, behave and operate.
Standort Niederurnen

"In connection with our vision, mission and values, we set our sustainability direction, statements and long-term goals. Working towards our goals will lead us to our sustainability transformation." Marco Wenger, CEO Swisspearl

Where does Sustainability start?

Andrea from Austria, Saied from Switzerland and Peter from Denmark answer the question, "Where does sustainability start?" - Each from their own perspective. Giving an insight into their personal and professional lives, they show how they integrate sustainable practices into their daily lives. From meaningful actions in their free time to impactful work at Swisspearl, they demonstrate that sustainability isn't just a concept  but a way of life that benefits both our business and our environment.

Sustainabilityportrait - Andrea Kalt

Download Sustainability Report 2023