The Swisspearl Magazine has been taking us on an architectural journey around the world for many years. Our products combine aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability on different continents. The magazine presents outstanding projects in different regions of the world and provides insight into the fascinating world of fibre cement. We explain how our material is turned into design objects and we introduce the people behind our innovation and the people who ensure that our products meet the highest standards. The highlight of the magazine is the annual “Top Building.” These projects are not only outstanding from an architectural point of view, they also have to meet special requirements and are often very challenging for the architects during construction.
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This Issue reflects the diversity within our growing organization through the variety of unique and prestigious projects featured from across Europe and beyond. From the renovation of an award-winning residential building in Bulgaria to a sustainable school complex in the Czech Republic and an extension to a listed house in Slovenia, the growing trend for renovation and transformation is evident in our portfolio of projects. In our report we take a closer look at the story of the corrugated sheet in architecture.Find out more in Issue #32 of the Swisspearl Magazine.
Top Building
This renovation injected fresh vitality into the building, not only restoring it but also reimagining its purpose. Far from simply preserving the original building, the project transformed it into a dynamic, rejuvenated space that radiates new energy, seamlessly enhancing its environment.
At Swisspearl we value Design. Collaborating with architects and designers inspires us, as seen in the "Dune" seating collection by Austrian designer Rainer Mutsch. Handcrafted from flexible fiber cement, its modular, curved forms create a striking, expandable system.
Light and yet stable, flat and yet rich in structure. Rather than aesthetic considerations, technical ones led to the shaping of corrugated fiber cement panels in the last century. The waves create a stable and load-bearing panel with a small amount of material. Today, the aesthetic qualities mean that corrugated fiber cement is increasingly being used to clad residential buildings. The perception of the material is gradually changing. For some time now, corrugated fiber cement panels have been appearing again and again in contemporary residential buildings.
When architects now rely on corrugated fiber cement panels, they are recalling these earlier unpretentious building structures. This new appreciation for unpretentious and everyday materials began in Swiss architecture in the 1980s. Materials with industrial connotations became more and more accepted in the residential sector.
Employee Portrait
Having started her career in Danish international companies, Gitte Herum Andersen built a strong foundation in marketing and leadership. When Cembrit joined Swisspearl in 2022, a new horizon opened. During the rebranding, she became part of a new team, inspired daily by the Global Marketing Team. A strong team spirit is key—both at work and in sailing, her passion. She often applies “sailing principles” in the office and on the water.
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