Davis-Harrington Welcome Center - Innovative Facade Design - Swisspearl
Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
Signature Building
Davis-Harrington Welcome Center | Springfield, MO, USA

The building enclosure combines a variety of materials in response to the surrounding campus context. The rear ground-floor spaces are largely concealed behind limestone cladding; to the north, the envelope increases in transparency, culminating in a tapering glass curtain wall that accentuates the building’s main entrance. The architects used a seemingly paper-thin layer of white Swisspearl panels to sheathe the fully glazed upper sections of the east and west facades. The latter extends slightly beyond the pointed corner of the building where the lower part folds slightly away to extend a welcoming gesture to visitors. Inspired by the pattern of a composition booklet, a seemingly random arrangement of circular perforations feeds dappled light into the atrium and allows views from the second-floor walkway.

Student Welcome Center, Springfield, Missouri, USA
  • LocationSpringfield, MO, USA
  • ArchitectDake Wells Architecture, Springfield, L-V-COUNTRY-US
  • BuilderMissouri State University, Springfield, L-V-COUNTRY-US
  • PartnerLoveall Custom Sheet Metal, Springfield, L-V-COUNTRY-US
  • PhotographerArchitectural Imageworks, L-V-COUNTRY-US
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