HomepageInspirationReferencesLaboratories and Office Building Hubben Overview A science hub Laboratories and Office Building Hubben | Uppsala, SwedenUppsala Science Park is ranked as one of the world’s best corporate incubators and is known far beyond the borders of Sweden. Innovative ideas about life science, biotechnology, medicine, and IT are researched and developed here.With 17,000 square meters distributed across five floors, the rectilinear building expresses its prominent status by its scale, proportioning, and materialization. A broad façade clad in light grey horizontal and vertical panels is offset by a patchwork collage of diamond-shaped Swisspearl panels in shades of russet reds, oranges, and ochers. The autumnal color palette and the intense rhythm of window openings is a reference to the adjacent historical buildings.LocationUppsala, SwedenArchitectWhite Arkitekter, Uppsala, L-V-COUNTRY-SEBuilderVasakronan Mäster , Stockholm, L-V-COUNTRY-SEPartnerÅC Bygg, Knivsta, L-V-COUNTRY-SEYear2017PhotographerÅke E:son Lindman, Bromma, L-V-COUNTRY-SE Downloads Project Sheet Laboratories and Office Building Hubben pdf 3,4 MB Back to the overview Select several references and design your individual lookbook for downloadingYour individual lookbook for download (0)Your individual lookbook+ show entire selection- reduce displayed selectionCreate PDFAdd to lookbookIn lookbook