Made from resilient, low-maintenance fibre cement, Swisspearl Plank is the clever, beautiful and long-lasting alternative to wood.
On our website, including all subsites we use cookies in accordance with this cookie policy.
Swisspearl Group AGEternitstrasse 3,8867 Niederurnen
What is a cookie?
Today, cookies are used by almost all websites and are in many cases necessary to provide a specific service on the website.
A cookie is a small text file which is stored on the user's IT equipment (such as a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) allowing the website to recognise the equipment. Cookies may for instance be used for the purpose of preparing statistics of the users' website use and for optimisation of website contents. A cookie is a passive file and cannot collect information from the user's computer or spread computer virus or other harmful programs. Some cookies are placed by websites (third parties) other than the one stated in browser's address line (the URL). The contents of such cookies may be of a general nature, but they may also be, for example, analytical tools or embedded comment fields. This means that cookies are stored from parties other than the one owning the website.
Some cookies are created temporarily and expire at the end of the user session when the browser is closed (session cookies). Other cookies are stored on the user's IT equipment for a longer period of time (persistent cookies). When the user revisits a website, new session cookies will be placed in the temporary memory, whereas a persistent cookie will be renewed.
Cookies at and subsites
We use cookies on as well as subsites, to analyse how our website is used and to enhance and simplify your visit. The information provided in the statistics is anonymous and cannot be used to identify named users.
We use the following types of cookies on and subsites:
Performance cookies: These cookies collect anonymous information of the pages visited, by using the Swisspearl website, you agree that we can place these cookies on your device. These cookies collect information about how visitors use the website, for example, which page is visited, and if there are any error messages. All information collected from these cookies is anonymous.
Functional Cookies: To help improve the experience that you have on our website, these cookies are used to remember choices that you have made. These cookies can be used to remember name, region in which you are located and changes that you have made to text size, font and other parts of the website that can be customised.
Targeting or Advertising Cookies: These cookies collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising more relevant to you and your interests. They can also be used to limit the number of times you so an advertisement. They are usually placed by advertising networks with our permission, they remember that you have visited and website and this information is shared with other organisations such as advertisers.
Remarketing Cookies: We use remarketing tracking cookies and conversion pixels from third parties such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter to present adverts for our services and products over the Google Network and via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. This will mean that you may see an ad for our services or products as a result of visiting our website. Your personally identifiable information is not used by any remarketing services other than to present so with our services and products.
Other websites: This website may contain links to other websites or platforms which are outside of our control and not covered by this policy, you should consult the privacy policy of that website or platform.
How to delete or decline cookies depends on your browser.If you use a PC, you may delete cookies by using the shortcut keys [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[Delete].If this does not work, or if you use, for example, a MAC computer, you must click on the link depending on the browser you are using:
Why do we provide information about cookies?
In most countries we are required by law to inform users about the cookies placed on the user’s IT equipment.
Does Swisspearl use information about your IP address ?
If you have selected only the necessary cookies, Swisspearl websites may still see your IP address. Your IP-address leaves no personal information and Swisspearl will only use the information to keep statistics about companies visiting our website.
If you have any questions regarding this cookie policy, you may contact us.