L15 - Swisspearl
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The natural choice with exceptional durability

Made from resilient, low-maintenance fibre cement, Swisspearl Plank is the clever, beautiful and long-lasting alternative to wood. 

Swisspearl Plank
L15, Lillesand, Norwegen
L15, Lillesand, Norwegen
L15, Lillesand, Norwegen
L15, Lillesand, Norwegen
L15, Lillesand, Norwegen
Juxtaposing Old and New
L15 | Lillesand, Norway

One of the aims for the expansion of this single-family house, which dates back to the 1980s, was to create a harmonious ensemble of old and new while respecting the building‘s natural surroundings. To achieve this, the architect chose a reduced, box-shaped wooden structure clad in large, dark grey Swisspearl panels and floor-to-ceiling glass openings, creating a strong contrast without dominating or competing. While the extension opens up to the existing building and garden in the south, it is closed towards the gravel road in the north. By perforating this closed facade of Swisspearl panels in the form of an abstracted tree branch, the extension is reminiscent of the old orchard.

  • LocationLillesand, Norway
  • ArchitectSunniva Rosenberg Arkitektur, Oslo, Norway
  • PartnerByggmester Notto Høiland, Lillesand, Norway
  • Year2020
  • PhotographersMeraner & Hauser OHG/SNC, Bozen, Italy, Rasmus Norlander, Zürich, Switzerland
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