Patina Original NXT has fine, sanding lines on the surface. Here’s a facade board that may be standard, yet it is much more than ordinary. Patina Original NXT comes in timeless colours – it evolves and changes the expression of your building. These facade boards will patinate beautifully over time, adding an aesthetic look to the building design with some unique and subtle variations on the surface.
Patina Original NXT connects performance with a modern, versatile look. At a time, when everyone is searching for authenticity and natural look, Patina Original NXT is the perfect choice for your building.
Természetes építőanyagSzálcementünk nagyrészt természetes, ásványi nyersanyagokból, valamint újrahasznosított rostokból áll. A regionális beszerzés nagyon fontos számunkra, mivel ezáltal hatékonyan óvjuk a fontos nyersanyag-erőforrásokat.