HomepageInspirationReferencesGarda Johan Overview Working in a Green Environment Garda Johan | Göteborg, SwedenFacadeLargo Swisspearl Carat Anthracite 7025Located a mere ten minutes from central Gothenburg, alongside a small golf course, Gårda Johan Fastighets AB’s new headquarters in St Jörgen Business Park was inspired by the American model, offering its tenants a wide variety of activities and opportunities for social encounters.LocationGöteborg, SwedenArchitectArkitektstudion AB, Gothenburg, SwedenBuilderGårda Johan Fastighets AB, Gothenburg, SwedenPartnerPentagon Bygg AB, Göteborg, SwedenYear2020PhotographerBert Leandersson, Göteborg, Sweden Downloads Project Sheet Garda Johan pdf 2,7 MB Back to the overview Select several references and design your individual lookbook for downloadingYour individual lookbook for download (0)Your individual lookbook+ show entire selection- reduce displayed selectionCreate PDFAdd to lookbookIn lookbook