Garda Johan - Swisspearl
Garda Johan, Gothenburg, Sweden
Garda Johan, Gothenburg, Sweden
Garda Johan, Gothenburg, Sweden
Working in a Green Environment
Garda Johan | Göteborg, Sweden

Located a mere ten minutes from central Gothenburg, alongside a small golf course, Gårda Johan Fastighets AB’s new headquarters in St Jörgen Business Park was inspired by the American model, offering its tenants a wide variety of activities and opportunities for social encounters.

Garda Johan, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • LocationGöteborg, Sweden
  • ArchitectArkitektstudion AB, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • BuilderGårda Johan Fastighets AB, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • PartnerPentagon Bygg AB, Göteborg, Sweden
  • Year2020
  • PhotographerBert Leandersson, Göteborg, Sweden
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