Bank building - Swisspearl
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Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
Dark elegance and lightness
Bank building | Vouvry, Switzerland
  • FasadModula Reflex Black Velvet 9221
  • SpezialanfertigungSpecial installation

The new construction of a Raiffeisen bank in Vouvry, Canton Valais, literally turned the installation technique of the Modula facade panels on its head. The architects of Chollet-Torres in Lausanne, Switzerland had a vision of a facade that would give the building elegance and lightness despite its size. After reviewing several facade options, the decision was made to use fiber cement panels from Swisspearl. The standard horizontally laid Modula panel strips were installed vertically for this project. Only through a special substructure construction was the upright inverted cladding possible and gave the facade a previously unknown flexibility.

The individual facade panels smoothly round off the corners of the building, so that the large, dark structure exudes elegance and lightness. In a total of five rows, the panels were placed alternately overlapping, vertically. Depending on the direction from which one looks at the facade, it appears almost smooth. Not only the laying technique, but also the selected color Black Velvet 9221 from the Reflex color family ensure an impressive overall appearance. The solid-colored panels with iridescent surface finish produce an exciting color nuance depending on the angle of light.

Bank building, Vouvry, Switzerland
  • StandortVouvry, Switzerland
  • ArchitektChollet-Torres Architectes SA, Lausanne, ?vica
  • BauherrBanque Raiffeisen du Haut-Léman, Vionnaz, ?vica
  • PartnerFacetec SA, Crissier, ?vica
  • Jahr2019
  • FotografMeraner & Hauser OHG/SNC, Bozen, Italija
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