Swisspearl Whistleblowing System - Swisspearl
Reporting System


At Swisspearl, we are committed to the highest ethical standards of business conduct and doing business in a responsible way and with integrity.

The purpose of Swisspearl Group’s whistleblower scheme is to enable employees and other parties with work relations to Swisspearl Group, to report their concerns in confidence to an independent party, where there is reasonable suspicion of breaches of international- or national legislation in specific areas and other serious breaches in cases that have been defined as extensions by a separate member state in the national whistleblower schemes in areas or acts not covered by the Directive.

Whistleblower Policy

You can also download our Whistleblower Policy, that is intended to inform you in detail about the scope of Swisspearl Whistleblowing scheme, reporting procedure, handling of reports as well as about Your rights on the protection of whistleblowers and on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.